
Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. It’s this principle which continues to help us enjoy successful on-going partnerships with selected Finance Lenders in the UK. We understand…

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Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. It’s this principle which continues to help us enjoy successful on-going partnerships with selected Law Firms in the UK. We understand…

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Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. It’s this principle which continues to help us enjoy successful on-going partnerships with selected Accountancy Practices in the UK. We understand…

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Equity Funding

Equity funding may be required either in high-growth situations, where the owner’s capital resources are insufficient, or where there further funding is required to meet key milestones or objectives. We…

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Debt Funding

Debt financing includes both secured and unsecured loans. For secured loans, the security may either be a charge on a specific asset type or a general ‘floating’ charge. In either…

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In order to fund the growth or turnaround of a business, it is necessary for the owners to have available sufficient financial resources; which may be either debt or equity.…

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Our business restructuring services involve working closely with management to review the operational and financial performance of the business, to identify weaknesses and to provide tailor-made solutions to restructure the…

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Businesses that require funding for expansion or working capital sometimes face difficulties with their existing lenders. The finance market is increasingly complex with traditional bank lending now supplemented by a…

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EWS provides Turnaround support, specific to each particular case and often work with existing advisors. All businesses differ, just as much as the challenges being faced. Our turnaround specialists focus…

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If no other debt management solution is appropriate and there is no prospect of the person dealing with their debts or being able to fund a settlement, then it will…

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Strike Off

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Where a limited company has reached the end of its useful life, is dormant with no assets or even insolvent with no funds available to pay for a liquidation, EWS…

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Although Administration has become the normal process for a secured lender to seek to recover the debt owed by an insolvent company, it is still possible for a secured lender…

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For some companies, the turnaround of its fortunes is just not possible and the formal insolvency options aimed at rescue, CVA and Administration, are not appropriate, the decision may have…

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Pre-packaged Administration (known as a Pre-Pack) is where it is known that the company is insolvent but the best outcome for creditors requires that there is a pre-arranged sale of…

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Administration is a procedure aimed at rescuing a company in financial distress or, if that’s not feasible, creating a better result for creditors than would have been the case from…

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Businesses that require funding for expansion or working capital sometimes face difficulties with their existing lenders. The finance market is increasingly complex with traditional bank lending now supplemented by a…

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Business Restructure

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Our business restructuring services involve working closely with management to review the operational and financial performance of the business, to identify weaknesses and to provide tailor-made solutions to restructure the…

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